The Discontinuing Of Brand Subutex??

by Admin

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Author: marie

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 2:11 pm

Thanks Hat!

Yhea, I was pretty shocked when the pharmacist said that. I told her "Its not that the generic dosen’t work, the brand just works better IMO." She said she’s heard that from several people.

Another thing that sucks……..I JUST got health insurance, which would have paid for most of it. Before, if I were to get 60, 8mg BRAND Subutex and pay cash…..It cost me over $700!

At least I can still get generic Subutex. and it costs me NOTHING!! Yhep, 60, 8mg Roxa……..COST ME NOTHING!! (Besides my doctor visit) CAN’T BEAT THAT WITH A STICK!!

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